Breaking News!

United Miles, effective immediately, no longer expire. Previously, United miles would expire after ~18 months of no earning activity. So, for those who had United cards or used the United MileagePlus online shopping to make small purchases, you’re free to stop! Perhaps this will encourage many of the other holdouts like American Airlines or Southwest Airlines, to follow suit. I know that JetBlue already has this no-expiration policy, which is greatly appreciated.

a close-up of a sign

Notification email – miles no longer expire!



Truthfully, I’ve been terrible at keeping track of my expiration, but thank god I won’t have to worry about United any more. That being said, I don’t have too many miles as is so it won’t affect me significantly. I am looking forward to more United travel on my honeymoon later this year – super excited about that – as well as next year, after my Southwest Companion Pass expires.

I also love the reminder below that they don’t expire. It says “miles don’t expire” right underneath your mileage balance after logging in. Now, this reminder could go away over time, but the constant reminder is a nice touch – and I hope it stays permanently. Thank you United MileagePlus for this program upgrade! Now, if I could just get them to reverse the award travel price increases of the past few years…

a screenshot of a website

Post-login screen


Featured Image is the image on email notification of United MileagePlus. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which, should you click through and/or make a purchase, grant me a commission. Also, I only post in the best interest of my readers. Lastly, thank you for supporting my blog and my travels. 

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