Are you ready to play? Don’t forget to register here first. Now, let’s start earning hits on September 14th! There are things you can do now to prepare. Here’s what I did.

  • Printed a copy of the promo rules for review and reference
  • Downloaded the Dividend Miles Toolbar (3 mileage earning searches needed for 1 hit beginning 9/14)
  • Adjusted the airline partner in the hotel programs I use to US Airways, and I did the same for my rental car programs

That’s about it for the advance work other than study the partner list on the promo rules page for strategies. After ignoring this promo over the years, I’m kind of jazzed to be participating. I let emotion cloud my judgement about the utility of Dividend Miles. I’m over that now, and will look forward to earning as many bonus miles as I can with you in this great promo.